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In the academic study titled 'Social Trends and Prospects in the consumption of coffee in Portugal in 2021', prepared as part of a Masters in Consumer Behaviour in IPAM - The Marketing School, Tiago Oliveira, author of this research, presented very important conclusions.
For the elaboration of this thesis, the author had the participation and valuable input from a panel of experts in the field of coffee.

According to a new survey conducted by Mintel, the demand for iced coffee has grown. The habit of drinking hot coffee is changing, as consumers look for iced coffee as an alternative tasty and fresh for the whole year. Above any other country, the U.S. is joining forces in this new habit, especially in foodservice.

The Proexport Colombia governmental organization focused on promoting tourism, exports and investments in Colombia in several countries, highlights the claim of Fernando Pimentel, Minister of Foreign Trade of Brazil. That said the country intends to increase its exports of roasted coffee blends, while reducing sales and increasing green beans coffee purchases from countries like Colombia to offer their own blends.

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) review markets participation and the participation of each coffee group and their respective weights for calculation of indicative prices, starting this month.

In order to get a coffee drink with good features, a doctoral student at the University of Lavras (UFLA), Suzana Reis Evangelista, developed a research project to evaluate the use of beneficial microorganisms for fermentation (yeasts), selected to improve the quality of natural coffee drink, obtained by dry process. This method consists of processing the freshly picked without being husked, that is, keeping the fruit with its structures until it reaches the ideal moisture to be stored in coconut and then be processed.

The 50th General Meeting of ICO (International Coffee Organization), held in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 9-13 September under the International Coffee Week, showed significant progress in supporting producers, to improve the price of the product.
"We made significant progress during these four days of the meeting, on support to small producers in emerging countries. Additionally, the International Coffee Organization considers favourable policies recently adopted by the Brazilian government on the regulation of the flow of crops," said Robério Silva, executive director of ICO.


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