The SCA Coffee Skills Program (CSP) is a modular, skills-based training program designed to prepare learners to gain more success in their career while contributing to the progress and evolution of the specialty coffee industry. Join the approximately 50,000 learners who engage with SCA Certificate Programs each year.
The Coffee Skills Program consists of five different modules and one introductory course. The five specialist modules are Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Roasting and Sensory Skills. These are offered at three different course levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Professional.
Introduction To Coffee is a popular, standalone course that familiarizes participants with specialty coffee and the broad topics that can be explored within the specialist modules.
In addition to the certificate earned by successfully completing a course, learners can also achieve one (or several) SCA Skills Diploma (contact us if you wish more information).
SCA Certificate Programs are built on decades of knowledge, research, and real-world experience designed to help you create a successful career in the coffee industry. SCA focus is not only the quality of the curriculum, but how that curriculum prepares learners to achieve their goals and directly utilize their certificate or diploma to find a successful, rewarding career.
SCA certificates are recognized and sought out by employers around the world, making your resumé stand out.
Recognizing job readiness in the specialty coffee industry, SCA developed a set of diplomas that give you in-depth knowledge and practical experience you can immediately apply in an industry setting.
Each diploma requires a combination of advanced level learning and foundational coursework.
Foundation Level
The Foundation level provides a first approach to a specific coffee discipline, and is a great way to get a view of a Module to help you decide if you want to continue learning more. The Foundation Level does not require prior experience.
Intermediate Level
The Intermediate level is suitable for people who are already part of the coffee sector, working in the area covered by the Module, and who have a firm knowledge of basic skills. Work experience in the area is recommended for this level.
Professional Level
is suitable for people who seek a high level of specialized knowledge in the subject matter to which the Module relates.
Success at this Level indicates to an employer that the holder of this qualification can successfully perform work in this area. Relevant extensive experience is recommended before attempting this Level. Candidates must have the Intermediate qualification in the Module.
Whether you are a coffee enthusiast or an experienced professional, SCA’s comprehensive training and education program has courses to further your expertise for the benefit of your business and your career.
We offer SCA Certification in all the modules of the Coffee Skills Program (CSP). Choose the training that best suits your needs and get an internationally recognized certification.
Investing in knowledge and skills is investing in your future.
· Introduction to Coffee
· Green Coffee
· Sensory Skills
· Roasting
· Barista Skills
· Brewing

Our SCA Certified Trainings are scheduled according to the availability of our trainees. Contact us if you wish to schedule a certification.