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Vietnam continues as leader of world exports of Robusta coffee, even with your shipments showing a decline of 44.61% in February this year compared to the same month of 2012 (2,798,248 bags of 60 kg). In the second month of 2013, the Vietnamese accounted for 49.52% of global exports of Robusta, having sold 1.550 million bags with the exterior. The data, preliminary, are the statistical report of the International Coffee Organization (ICO).

The world coffee exports fell by 11.31% in February, compared with the same month of 2012. Were shipped 8.626 million bags of 60 kg compared to 9.726 million bags in February 2012. The International Coffee Organization (ICO) released the information today.
The world exports in the first five months of coffee year 2012/13 (October 2012 to February 2013) showed an increase of about 9.6% to 46.49 million bags, compared with close to 42,410,000 of sacks in the previous period.
Source: Revista Cafeicultura

The abandonment of traditional techniques of coffee cultivation and indiscriminate use of pesticides and fungicides is increasing dramatically the spread of rust fungus that is affecting crops and coffee plantations in Central America and Mexico, informed the ecologist John Vandermeer, from the University of Michigan.
Ecologist conducted scientific studies on organic coffee plantation in southern Chiapas, Mexico, for 15 years.

The Association of the Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa designed on Friday (22/03) that coffee production in crop year 2013/14 could fall between 30% and 35% due to drought that hit the country.
A prolonged drought in the Vietnamese Central Highlands, the largest coffee producing region of the country, caused losses of at least 95 hectares of coffee trees and left 55 000 hectares in critical condition, the association said in a statement. The organization also noted that this year the rains were 30% below average.

A study published in the British Medical Journal found that drivers who consume coffee are 63% less likely to be involved in accidents. Scientists from the Australian George Institute for Global Health in Sydney did the research.
Besides caffeine, the researchers also considered the weight of the drivers, the routine of work, sleep and exercise, alcohol consumption and the distances travelled. All these points are part of a complementary strategy to maintain alertness in driving, according to the researchers.

About 80% of the coffee consumed in Colombia in 2012 was imported, despite the country being the world's fourth largest producer and leading exporter of mild washed Arabica coffee category, according to official figures.


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