Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

The medical community and researchers considered a few years ago, the coffee beneficial to human health and effective in preventing disease if consumed in moderate doses, 3-4 cups daily (500 mg/day).
Research conducted under the Coffee Research Consortium, coordinated by Embrapa Café, has proved that coffee besides caffeine, vitamins and basic nutrients such as potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium and many other minerals, and antioxidants, among them chlorogenic acids.
Studies of Prof . Dr. Darcy Roberto Lima, published in the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC) site, partner of the Consortium, points to caffeine as an important modulating agent physical performance in various kinds of sports and performance enhancer during exercise.
In athletes who drink coffee every day during practice, at a minimum dose of 4 cups, caffeine acts as a stimulant of the nervous system, and delay the feeling of fatigue, promotes strengthening muscles. It also helps in the mobilization of energy substrates for muscle work. The result is more physical performance and burning fat for energy instead of sugars found in carbohydrates.
In recent years, caffeine has been the subject of numerous studies involving endurance sports activities such as cycling, athletics and swimming. In football, for example, it is believed that caffeine improves performance; improve the reaction time, visual attention and mental processing. According to nutritionist and project coordinator of the ABIC, Mónica Pinto, caffeine, ingested at recommended doses, increases the discharge of endorphins in the brain.
Endorphins are substances which give a feeling of pleasure, so more endorphins, the athletes have more incentive to pursue physical activity. "This stimulus is called self-gratification, whose highest level is reached in the brain with coffee consumption. The brains, on receiving this information the minimum presence of caffeine through daily consumption of at least 4 cups of coffee, have more ability to produce self-gratification, improving, over time, significantly, the performance of athletes. This effect is observed both in professional athletes like the weekend, the first being more common due to the discipline that requires physical activity, "says Mónica Pinto.
Source: CaféPoint