Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

According to figures released by the ICO (International Coffee Organization), the coffee submitted in the month of July a slight rise in prices, favoured by the possibility of frost in the growing regions of Brazil, which was followed by a further decline.
By comparison with the previous month, the average composite indicator price rose 1.2% to 118.93 cents / lb, remaining, however, the second lowest level since September 2009. This increase was due primarily to the performance of Robusta, which had an increase of 4.9% compared to June.
Colombian Milds, Other Milds and Brazilian Naturals yielded contradictory results. After a rapid rise in the middle of the month because of the threat of frost in Brazil, there is a loss of value to the end of the month. The three indicators Arabian ended the month with daily levels lower than those that initiated it.
The total production in crop year 2012/2013 is estimated currently at around 144.5 million bags, an increase of 7.7% over 2011/2012. Is expected higher production in most exporting countries, subject to several Central American countries, strongly affected by the outbreak of rust in the region.
The arbitration between Arabica and Robusta also decreased more with the price differences between the three indicators of the group Arabica and Robusta indicator group to settle down in its lowest level since December 2008.
Recall, again, that total exports for the first nine months of coffee year 2012/2013 (October to June) amounted to 84.3 million bags, representing an increase of 3.4% over the same period last year past. Among the four groups of coffee, the more significant increase took place in the Colombian Milds, which recorded a volume of 7.5 million bags, up 17% to 6.5 million exported between October and June 2011/2012.
Source: Hostel Vending Portugal