Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) has pointed out that the world coffee production in 2012/13 (October / September) should stay at 144.646 million bags of 60 pounds, thus an increase of 6.4% compared with the 2011/12, which is placed on production 135,933,000 bags. The numbers run from March report of the ICO.
For the ICO, the losses caused by rust in Central America are being offset by the increase in Brazilian coffee production 2012, in addition to improving crop of other countries, such as Indonesia and Ethiopia. The ICO report highlights that the rust in Central America has the highest incidence of the story, and the greater impact on production will be seen in 2013/14.
A survey used by the ICO shows that there were losses of $ 548.2 million and 2.263 million bags in 2012/13 between the producing countries of Central America. According to the chief operating officer of ICO, Mauricio Gallindo, losses may increase to 4 million bags in the Central American countries in 2013/14.
Global coffee consumption in 2012 is estimated by ICO at 142 million bags, up 2.4% on 2011, indicated 139 008 000 bags.
Source: Safras & Mercados