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Moderate consumption of caffeine, about five cups of coffee a day can reduce your sleep time, but does not give more energy or help you lose weight, according to a study by researchers at the Technical University of Lisbon.
Speaking to Lusa, the researcher Analiza Silva explained that this was a trial, during which followed about 30 men healthy and physically active, in that the protocol assumed that each take a moderate dose of caffeine a day. "About five milligrams per kilogram of body weight, which is roughly about five coffees a day. These are people who are not used to caffeine and underwent two conditions: a condition in which he was taking caffeine and other conditions in those taking placebo, something that was not caffeine”, said the researcher.
According to Analiza Silva, these two conditions were made at random, i.e., neither researchers nor people undergoing investigation knew what was taken or when it was taken. This intake of caffeine or placebo was made over four days, followed by three days apart for a total of eleven days.
"We conclude that the intake of caffeine did not alter resting metabolism - the energy expenditure that people have when they are at home - and did not alter energy expenditure in physical activity", said the researcher. He added that the intake of caffeine also had no effect on the amount of physical activity than those people made, i.e. not by taking coffee or more exercise have spent less time in a sedentary lifestyle.
"The only difference that we have seen significant about these subjects, was in sleep - found that, under the influence of caffeine, these 30 men, physically healthy, have decreased their daily sleep in 45 minutes", she said. This control of sleep - explained the investigator - was made by motion sensors combined with daily monitoring of heart rate over the total days.
Analiza Silva argued that these results serve to demystify "any idea that people have, for an effect of caffeine on energy expenditure".
"It is not that we take breakfast are going to have more energy and thus help in maintaining our weight", explained the researcher.
Source: TSF