Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

The highest bid recorded was U.S. $ 18.80 per pound, equivalent to U.S. $ 2,486.97 paid by each of the 21 bags of the San Joaquin Ranch, owned by Sandi Jesimar de Oliveira, contest winner
The auction of 22 lots winners of 2nd Call Quality 'Cup of Excellence Natural Late Harvest "- Issue 2012, conducted by the Brazilian Specialty Coffee (BSCA, English acronym), in partnership with the Brazilian Export Promotion and Investment (Apex-Brazil) and the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE), took place on Thursday, March 14, through the internet.

O maior lance registado foi de US$ 18,80 por libra peso, valor equivalente a US$ 2.486,97 pagos por cada uma das 21 sacas do Sítio São Joaquim, de propriedade de Jesimar de Oliveira Sandi, vencedor do concurso

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