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The Proexport Colombia governmental organization focused on promoting tourism, exports and investments in Colombia in several countries, highlights the claim of Fernando Pimentel, Minister of Foreign Trade of Brazil. That said the country intends to increase its exports of roasted coffee blends, while reducing sales and increasing green beans coffee purchases from countries like Colombia to offer their own blends.

The abandonment of coffee production in Mexico is partly due to the fact that the Federal Government has allowed the entry of Central American coffee with lower quality than national "but more economic."
According to Obdulio Bandala Jiménez, large companies buy this cheap product, supplying their demand and stop buying Mexican coffee.

About 80% of the coffee consumed in Colombia in 2012 was imported, despite the country being the world's fourth largest producer and leading exporter of mild washed Arabica coffee category, according to official figures.

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) released the figures for imports by consumer countries in October 2012. According to the organization, has acquired Germany, in the tenth month of the year, 2,006,206 bags of coffee, which implied high of 25.16% in relation to the volume purchased in September (1,602,861 bags). With the acquisition of 1,902,781 bags in October, the United States show a decline of 11.43% compared to the 2,148,263 bags of the previous month. Italy has already increased its purchases of the product (+11.24%) in October to acquire 852,640 bags.

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