Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

The coffee crop of Guatemala in the period 2013/2014 may have a drop of 40%, informed the local media and the National Coffee Association (Anacafé). The motive of the attack is called roya fungus that causes coffee rust. Should be harvested 2.4 million quintals, which is equivalent to 240 tons. In the period 2011/2012, were 4.8 million quintals (480.000 tons). In the period 2012/2013 were 4.1 million (410 thousand tons). Under the direction of Anacafé losses occurred in crops where farmers have not applied a second dose of fungicide on plants infected by the fungus roya. The entity estimates that the first dose coverage was 70% of the coffee plantations and the second a few producers are requesting coupons provided for the purchase of pesticides. Also according to the Guatemalan press, farmers complain that the credit lines at banks nationwide are unavailable due to the decline of international coffee prices. And recognize that there are no resources to buy fungicides needed.
Source: Revista Globo Rural