Subscrição de CoffeeLetters

The International Coffee Organization (ICO) review markets participation and the participation of each coffee group and their respective weights for calculation of indicative prices, starting this month.
The new regulation considers that the participation of Colombian Milds is 46% in the European Union (EU) and 54% in the United States, while Brazilian Naturals have a share of 74% in the EU and 26% in the US. Robusta coffees have 84% participation in the European bloc and 16% in the US. Other Milds, produced mainly in Central America, have a stake of 62% in the EU and 38% in the US.
The weighting coefficients for calculating the average of the ICO composite are: Colombian Milds (9%), Other Milds (24%), Brazilian Naturals (31%) and Robusta (36%).
ICO said that the participation of each coffee group is based on the average export performance for the U.S. and the European Union in the calendar years 2009 to 2012. According to ICO, the weighting of each group will be revised every two years. The new rules have been defined in March 7, 2013, during the 110th session of the International Coffee Board.
Source: Revista Cafeicultura